Saturday, June 25, 2011

Tarrytown,NY to Highland,NY

We left Tarrytown and headed to the New Jersey side of the shore and anchored out next to Hook Mt. in the Rockland Lake State Park.  We weathered 3 storms while on the hook. The new anchor chain proved its worth in gold. 

Sing Sing Prison was always in our view while on the hook.

The first barge Andrew and I had even seen with cars on it. 

The NY nuclear power plant.

Bear Mountain Bridge

West Point, Go Army!

The Mid Hudson Bridge and Walking Bridge

We stopped at Mariner's for dinner and free dockage for the night. Andrew and I walked up to the Sunoco Gas Station which was one mile up a steep mountain to reprovision a few items. Sabastian was not feeling good and knew the walk would not be wise for him so we left nurse Paisley in charge with a cell phone and walkie talkie.  By the time we were up at the top of the mountain we were looking down on the Mid Hudson Bridge and walking path. Andrew and I  saw a fox, and a gopher as well as an elaborate beaver dam. There was a a nice creek running the entire length of the road. It was nice to walk in the mountains. I didn't realize how much I missed the mountains until  we were back in them. I will be getting my fill of mountains as we continue our journey.

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